Bring Your Family Back to the Dinner Table
Individual & Family Therapy in Oak Harbor

It’s late afternoon, and the household is returning home from school and work.
Each day you have tension in your neck or tightness in you’re belly. Scared to say something for fear it will set your family into that same daily tailspin. Those once happy days of enjoying time together as a family have disappeared.
It seems as if everyone is glued to their screens (either using social media, video games, Youtube, or Netflix) avoiding life. Maybe drugs and alcohol are consuming your family.
The long-lasting effects of these behaviors are harming not only family and personal relationships, but there is also a drop in grades or work performance – and maybe they’re not even attending work or school any longer.
Or maybe its just you, alone and struggling to find meaning.
Feeling depressed or anxious and using whatever you can to avoid those feelings. Desperate to find release.
Screen, drugs, and alcohol addictions are real-life problems for individuals, youth, and families today.
Social media and video gaming can steal hours, if not days, of yours or your loved one’s life. Alcohol and drug concerns may be taking over yourself or the family, either with one or both parents or perhaps a teen or even younger child or even just yourself.

Therapy will help.
There is a way to connect with the struggling family member while guiding the entire family back to the dinner table.
You are not the first, and we can help you not feel alone. Life does not have to be this way anymore. There is a solution. Individual therapy can and does provide a route for self-discovery and self-fulfillment.
Through therapy, we will dig into the WHY of the struggles.
We will build trust with your son or daughter allowing for them to express what is truly going on. Understanding their experiences and assisting to bridge the gap in communication between all family members is the core of therapy.
Therapy for an individual will consist of learning newer ways on handling life’s problems.
Through this process, new boundaries get set – and each family member finds empowerment and individuality in conjunction with the end goal of a healthy family system.
Therapy for adolescents is healing. This solution is, unfortunately, not used enough in our society. This process will help you understand your son’s or daughter’s behavior and inspire them to open up and share their emotions.
Providing the skills needed to understand your son’s or daughter’s emotions, collaborate with them more effectively, and still set healthy boundaries when needed is a producible approach in therapy.
By using a variety of individual, parenting, and family sessions, we together will effectively meet your needs.

Hi, I’m Chris
Recovered Adolescent
Something is wrong in your home, and you found this site. Therapy with me consists of building a relationship with your struggling family member for change to begin.
Re-establishing values, desires, and purpose to life are at the core of change. Understanding the WHY of how we feel is what allows for growth.
I, too, was one of those adolescents who struggled to fit in with peers and at home. Choosing to hang out with friends who were not the best influence and getting into trouble was the story of my teen years. If there had been technology to lose myself in, I would have. As a parent of kids who have struggled, this gives me a unique experience as a parent as well.